2020-09-09 Meeting notes

2020-09-09 Meeting notes


Sep 9, 2020


  • @Yaw Nti-Addae

  • @Vishnu Govindaraj

  • @Gaurav Chandani (Deactivated)

  • @Hymmi Kong (Deactivated)

Discussion topics

API updates

  • KeyCloak v10 integration is mostly done. Groups have been set up. Need more testing, and update documentation including instructions on Groups setup.

  • Worked on Crops endpoint with authorisation via KeyCloak. Implemented on extractor web UI. Endpoint - /gdm/crops This can be implemented in loader web UI in similar manner.

    • User group - has access to extractor UI

    • Curator group - has access to loader UI

    • PI group - is allowed to assigned as PI for a project

  • Working on Templates, Wizards next.

UI updates

  • kup.core licensing application is submitted to PFR IT team to discuss on the legal terms and other details, thanks @Gaurav Chandani (Deactivated) for handling this on our side. IT responded that there are a few conversations to be made with the legal team and the design team before the application to be elevated to the senior management team for approval. This might take a month or so.

  • PFR developers still prefer to use kup.core library on GDM loader web for quicker and cleaner development. Development can continue using kup.core deployed in the private registry in the mean time. kup.core Bitbucket repo can be shared with GOBii developers for loader web development and deployment to local registry if needed for testing purpose.

  • PFR commits to work on web dev this sprint.

Other updates

  • Deadline at the end of October

  • User groups will be set up by the admin on KeyCloak. No user management required on the web UIs.

Action items

Hymmi to create a story for implementing KeyCloak in loader web UI and update contact dropdowns
Hymmi to create a story for implementing Crop select with authorisation in loader web UI
Hymmi to discuss with Guy on increase loader web development resources due to deadline at the end of Oct. Slack or set up a meeting with Yaw to give updates. Yaw is available this week.
