2020-05-19 GOBii-PFR Catch up meeting notes

2020-05-19 GOBii-PFR Catch up meeting notes


May 19, 2020


  • @Yaw Nti-Addae

  • @Elizabeth Jones

  • @Deb Weigand

  • @Vishnu Govindaraj

  • @Chetan Baadkar (Deactivated)

  • @Jean Sabado (Deactivated)

  • @Hymmi Kong (Deactivated)


  • Progress catch up and sprint planning

Discussion topics

API updates

API documentation

GOBii is using Apiary for API documentation. Swagger is a good API documentation tool as well which allows a good level of documentation and tryitout feature. Apiary is capable for even more detailed documentation for APIs and allows easy online edit with markdown. Vishnu can provide help on setting up Apiary if PFR’d like to invest in it.

Catch up on GDM Web

  • Chetan did a quick demo on where development on the GDM web is at. Left menu, Projects, Experiments, Datasets and Mapsets are in place (currently using json mock data as datasource)

  • GOBii was able to deploy GOBii web portal but has build issue when deploying web loader.

  • Web development resumes this sprint. Chetan will start looking at the API available and start linking up API to UI for Projects in the second week of sprint. Chetan can contact Rodolfo for help on Slack if needed. 

WSO2 vs KeyCloak

  • GOBii is going to support two GDM version - GDM Standalone and GDM EBS.

  • Still deciding whether to go for WSO2 or KeyCloak, or both for identity and access manager. Seeking advice from PFR.

  • Would like to set up contract with PFR to help on intergration.

Action items

Hymmi to send slack invite to Rodolfo
Chetan to look at the build issue on web loader GOBii is having
Hymmi to follow up on WSO2 vs KeyCloak with Shamim
