Meeting notes




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  1. @... will travel to Cornell to work with @... and @... on PFR’s GDM deployment to AWS
  2. Angular framework will be used for presentation layer of Web Loader UI
  3. GOBii Portal will be developed in conjunction with Loader UI to ensure uniform interfaces
  4. Job Status can be developed in parallel with Loader UI
  5. GDM prototype will be made public to allow for easy sharing

  1. Deploy GDM to EC2 instance on PFRs AWS; Not suitable for timeframe to deploy to Kubernetes, will require at least deployment modification, potentially code modification.
  2. Configure Docker Networks to alleviate configuration issues with IP addresses changing on cloud based systems. This is a pre-requisite for docker-compose anyway.
  3. Bitbucket Pipelines are not feasible with the current architecture. Too bigger refactor to consider doing now, Have some discussion on a future goal and if this is relevant.
  4. PFR developed applications will be hosted in GOBii’s Cloud Bitbucket and published to GOBii’s Dockerhub. This is due to the requirements of Pipelines & access from PFR
  5. Depreciate Direct AD connections in favour of keycloak for simplification of codebase and more user authentication options.

  1. Future deployment requests will include PIs, sysadmins, Liz, Yaw

All meeting notes