Roadmap and Current Activities


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Jan2020FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecV2.2v2,3v 3.0
Integration GOBii with EBS
GOBii defects and finishing tools
CI and Deployment

Unified docker swarm deployment (with Ansible)

Align automated testing

Data architecture including unified authentication

Simplify deployment and stack

BrAPI genotyping and create project calls

BrAPI automated data loading calls

Web-based configuration management

Web based data loader (PFR)

DEFECT: extract metadata only

Hide and append datasets

Complete delete in Timescope

Complete Ped Ver

DEFECT: handling indels, tetraploids vcf improvements

Non-destructive deployment

Config management tool

Downloadable GDM

Cloud evaluation GDM

Optimize cloud deployment

One click/simple deployment

Current Activities

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key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution
