2020-08-11 Meeting notes
Aug 11, 2020
@Yaw Nti-Addae
@Vishnu Govindaraj
@Rodolfo Duldulao
@Shamim Ahmed
@Chetan Baadkar (Deactivated)
@Hymmi Kong (Deactivated)
Discussion topics
BE updates
Upgrading Angular and updating libraries https://gobiiproject.atlassian.net/browse/GWEB-242
Working on one auth service layer for all crops with keycloak
Endpoint for a list of users from Keycloak, available on xvm23
User management
admin to create user on Keycloak, assign crop group to user,
user to login on UI, user info will be synced to user table in gdm
FE updates
Application for kup.core library MIT license is being processed in PFR
Loader web development will have to stay in a branch till kup.core is published, thus deployment is delayed
Other news
GOBii has a new contractor starting in Sept, mainly to help Roy on improving deployment and Chetan on web loader development
Web loader deadlines - aiming to finish phase 1 in Oct. Phase 1 includes Create, Define, Wizards, (Template), Keycloak authentication, unified API integration on UI.
Mid Sept to decide go/no go for kup.core