2020-05-05 GOBii-PFR Catch up meeting notes
May 5, 2020
@Yaw Nti-Addae
@Elizabeth Jones
@Deb Weigand
@Vishnu Govindaraj
@Guy Davenport (Deactivated)
@Hymmi Kong (Deactivated)
Status update from PFR
API development progress update from GOBii
Discussion topics
Guy - PFR Status update
Got the contract with external developers signed again, suggest PFR could restart work on GDM web in 2 weeks
Yaw - GDM API work progress update
GDM API docs can be found on https://gadmtest.docs.apiary.io/
Done with Projects, Experiments, Datasets. (GET, POST for read, create and update)
Working on Mapsets this sprint
Next on the list in order- Controlled Vocab, Define section, Wizards
Marker Groups is on hold as data model need to be reviewed
GDM API updates is deployed on instance vmx23
Been updating postman collection
BMS integration - Working on gdm sample tracking api https://gdmsampletracking.docs.apiary.io/ It has endpoint for pushing samples to GDM https://gdmsampletracking.docs.apiary.io/#/reference/samples/bulk-upload Model awaiting to be reviewed.
An open sample manager will be available end of the year
Yaw - discuss implementing Key Cloak integration in GDM standalone
another branch uses WSO2
Shamim, Vishnu and Roy to do a WSO2 and Key Cloak comparison, and discuss solution with minimum amount of work
Next meeting on 18May