2020-06-16 GOBii-PFR Catch up meeting notes


Jun 16, 2020


  • @Yaw Nti-Addae

  • @Deb Weigand

  • @Roy Petrie

  • @Vishnu Govindaraj

  • @Chetan Baadkar (Deactivated)

  • @Guy Davenport (Deactivated)

  • @Shamim Ahmed

  • @Hymmi Kong (Deactivated)

Discussion topics

API updates

  • Entities under Create section are finished.

  • Planning to include Vendor setup in Planforms. To be confirmed.

  • Working on KeyCloak integration next sprint. Roy to deploy KC on xvm23. Yaw and Rodolfo to work on KC integration in GDM. It should be available at the end of June for FE integration.

GWEB updates

  • Finished Projects create and edit form. Some bugs to fix.

  • PI Contact input on Project form should be a user dropdown. Option for this dropdown should be limited to users with PI role. API endpoint for a list of users is available. but not filtered by role. UI need to filter user before feeding to dropdown. 

  • Error handling is not yet implemented eg Name + PI on Project to be unique. Need a story for it.

  • Work on API/UI integration for Experiments and Datasets next sprint.

KeyCloak vs WSO2

  • WSO2 seems too much overhead so gdm standalone is likely to stick with keycloak.

PFR Prod deployment Q&A

  • Current GDM version deals with active directory. Integration with KeyCloak is working in progress. Default admin user in GDM is set as “gadm”. In order to log in as any other users via AD, this user must be added in Contact as a creator.

  • Shamim would like switch the containerised database in gdm to an RDS. Seems to be doable, can this be done in script? Shamim, Roy and Hymmi to set up meeting to discuss.

Action items

Hymmi to set up a meeting for devops discussion, usual time on the next day.
Yaw to send Hymmi the new version of loader desktop mac.