2020-07-01 Meeting notes
Jul 1, 2020
@Yaw Nti-Addae
@Vishnu Govindaraj
@Chetan Baadkar (Deactivated)
@Shamim Ahmed
@Hymmi Kong (Deactivated)
Discussion topics
Progress update
API - CV and Markergroups are done.
UI - Bugs on Project form are fixed. Experiment list is done.
KeyCloak integration in progress. Working on deploying on xvm23 with port 443 so PFR can access from PFR network. Note - PFR has KeyCloak on 8080 with nginx reverse proxy set up.
GDM Web Notes
UI - Contract dropdown now takes user id. Need a story to change input to a user dropdown with PI list as options.
Remove Manifests on Experiments. Remove Code input fields in all forms (eg Projects, Experiments)
UI - Angular table needs update. Need a story.
GDM Deploy in PFR
GOBii to provide a hotfix maybe mid July. Shamim can then continue working on KC integration in GDM deployment on dataplatform.nz