Update metadata

Target release2.3
GDM-431 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document status
Document owner
DesignerYaw Nti-Addae
Tech leadKevinPalis
Developer(s)KevinPalisAngel Manica RaquelLuke CookJoshua Lamos-Sweeney


Allow users to update existing data in the database for the following entities or tables

  • germplasm
  • dnasample
  • dnarun
  • marker
  • linkage_group
  • marker_limkage_group

Users can only update one entity table at a time.

Users will be able to update any arbitrary field and props field by uploading a tab-delimited file containing such information with the appropriate entity id.

All headers in the input file must follow the same nomenclature (tablename_fieldname) as used in the data extract files.  e.g. dnasample_trial_name

Users will not be able to update fields associated with other entities.  e.g. users will not be allowed to update the list of dnasamples associated with a different project

Fields that contain information relating to other entity tables cannot be updated. e.g. marker 'variant'

Users will receive an email that indicates

  • SUCCESS or FAIL of the update
  • which table was updated
  • the number of records updated

Success metrics


Updatable Tables and Columns

Information below represent columns that may be present in a file, with table_id used to identify records that can be updated and all other columns being updatable columns.

external_codeplatenameprops -  system definedrefstartstop
species_namenumprops - user definedaltsstop

props -  system definedwell_row

props - user defineduuid

props -  system defined

props - user defined
props -  system defined

props - user defined


key summary type assignee priority status issuelinks

User interaction and design

Open Questions

QuestionAnswerDate Answered

is there an upper limit to the number of records we will allow the user to update?

makes a difference as to how we implement the update

will there be a UI that allows for single updates and bulk updates?

Single table extracts that a user can modify and re-upload?

dnarun props? e.g. barcodeas per Elizabeth Jones leave it out for now 
do we want to update modified and modified dates?

Out of Scope