Ansible Deployment

Target release2.2
Epic GDM-326 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document status
Document owner
Tech lead
Technical writers
QADeb Weigand


  1. Unify deployment to environments within and outside of Cornell
  2. Streamline deployment scripts to make it easy for system administrators to install GDM
  3. Clear separation of Continuous Integration and Deployment pipelines to make then more modular

Success metrics

Continuous Deployment
  • Convert all deployment scripts to deployment pipeline
  • Create configurable playbooks
  • Test deployment pipeline by deploying GOBii-GDM to QA-test and AWS environments
Deployment Integration
  • Work with GOBii personnel to connect Bamboo to deployment pipeline
  • Develop Web UI to allow users to configure deployment pipeline, and if possible run deployment (Phase II - new req needed for this)
  • Provide documentation of scripts and tools
  • Train GOBii personnel on how to extend Ansible and use tools
Deployable tools
  • GOBii-GDM
  • Portal
  • Timescope
  • KDCompute (optional)
  • ownCloud (optional)
  • Portainer (optional)
    • Sherpa (optional)
  • User manager (optional)


  1. Packing of the artifacts will be done by Bamboo
  2. This deployment pipeline is for vanilla GDM deployment 
    1. other technologies may be deployed for other hotfixes
  3. System Administrators will manually provide configuration variables before executing deployment pipeline


#RequirementUser StoryImportanceJira IssueNotes


User interaction and design

Open Questions

QuestionAnswerDate Answered

Out of Scope