2020-08-06 Meeting notes EiB Polyploid working group

2020-08-06 Meeting notes EiB Polyploid working group



Action items



Action items

Introduction to Young Wha Lee – EiB Module 5 lead: Data management, Bioinformatics,  Biometrics for EiB

Young Wha will be establishing biometry and bioinformatics networks for Module 5


·Introduction to Damaris Odeny – ICRISAT, Nairobi

Working on groundnut and finger millet. Excellent overview attached. Challenges - high number of homeologous SNPs, need to select genome specific markers


Cathy Breton has tools to select for genome specific SNPs. She will share with those interested

David Byrn, TAMU , Oscar Riera-Lizarazu, TAMU, Jeff Endelman, –Overview of newly funded SCRI Polyploid project

Training on polyploid tools for genotype calling, QTL mapping and GS Jan 13-15 2021. Virtual. Free.


David to sent out link for registration once have it

Eng - update on mid-density genotyping

Contract finally signed. Will send out official communication on launch

Working on rice, potato, maize, wheat…

Update from potato - Hannele and Jeff -want to increase marker numbers to get to 1.5K. Have added SNP loci and validating with 4 plates. Received pseudo vcf format with read count.

BI submitting salmon, blueberry and alfala later

Sweet potato testing OmeSeq - Bode and Craig