2020-06-04 Meeting notes EiB Polyploid working group

2020-06-04 Meeting notes EiB Polyploid working group



Action items



Action items

Introduction to new member Monica Carvajal Yepes (Alliance Bioversity-CIAT) m.carvajal@cgiar.org (5 mins)

Monica wants to learn about the challenges faced by the researchers working on polyploids. This will help her in characterizing tropical forages collection from CIAT's genebank, such as Brachiaria and Panicum collections


Catherine Breton – updates on DArT-seq for banana (20 mins)

Difficulties with converting DArT -seq csv files to other formats - using DArT-R available on CRAN. Lindsay - R tool VariantAnnotation has some good tools. Also recalling SNPs with GATK

With triploid banana just treating as diploids for genotyping data. Would like to try polySAT for ploidy calling.



Module 5 activities – new biometry lead starting soon, new EBS analytics lead (10 mins)

Young Wha starts as Biometry in EiB lead this week. She will be collecting needs of the community eg licenses, pipelines, requirements for an Analytics Pipeline.

Yaw Nti-Addae (current GOBii lead dev) is leading the development of the Analytics pipeline - he and Young will be reaching out to collect requirements


Review of CGIAR key crop needs for mid-density genotyping (DArT-tag) (15 mins)

Eng looking for status of development and whether funding can help move projects along for crops

@Elizabeth Jones will send out a table outlining progress in mid-density marker plex to key people to fill out

Review of priorities for team and next steps for funding (probably won’t have much time for this) (10 mins)

Possibility of funding to support key bioinformatics pipelines. Will discuss more at next meeting