2019-03-06 Meeting notes EiB Polyploid Working Group

2019-03-06 Meeting notes EiB Polyploid Working Group


Mar 6, 2019


Discussion topics










Meeting participants


  • 12 confirmed traveling people supported by EiB funding

    Invited speakers (5)

    1. •Marcelo Mollinari, NCSU, sweet potato MAPpoly

    2. •Lindsay Clark, U of I – polyRAD, ploidyverse

    3. •Antonio Augusto Franco Garcia, USR, Brazil, sugarcane

    4. •Jeffrey Endelman, U of W, potato GS, GWAS

    5. •Umesh Rosyara, CIMMYT, previously Strawberry and Sour Cherry and developed GWASpoly


    Crop and CGIAR center representatives (8- 1 local)

    1. Hannele Lindqvist-Kreuze, CIP: Potato (local)

    2. Dorcus Gemenet, CIP: Sweet potato

    3. Trushar Shar, IITA: Banana

    4. Catherine Breton, Bioversity: Banana

    5. Ranjana Bhattacharjee, IITA: Yam

    6. Agre Paterne, IITA: Yam

    7. Luis Augusto, CIAT: Forages/Cassava

    8. Abhishek Rathor, ICRISAT: Groundnut

    Other CIP attendees

    1. Bert de Boeck

    2. Elisa Salas

    3. Ciro Rosales

    4. Federico Diaz

    5. Wolfgang Gruneberg

    6. John Schoper-depending on availability

    7. Hugo Campos-depending on availability.

    8. Noel Anglin - genebank

    9. Michael Freidman

    Others traveling (self funded)

    • Engwa NG, HTPG, EiB module 3

    • Liz Jones, GOBii, EiB module 5

    • Moira Sheehan, Breeding Insight, blueberry, switchgrass

    • ?, Plant and Food Research - Kiwi fruit, potato

Local arrangements


•Field tour before or after? Wednesday 7th or sat 11th
Additional invitees - Breeding Insight , Plant and Food Research?

  • lisa, Burt, Ciro, sweet potato breeder, Hugo, breeding lead - John - not confirmed - 7-10 people. Add Noel from genebank? Add Michael Freidman?

  • 2 rooms - 1 is 30 people, there are smaller ones that can take 10-20

  • For field tour - not sure who is going to be needed on Wednesday 7th - Dorcus can find out which date is best. Where is the field tour? Elisa - may be better on Saturday as there is less traffic.




Need to have some information from crops ahead of meeting - maybe a slide or 2 or fill out a confluence page describing technologies used, issues etc

Should we be sharing to a wider audience to increase awareness?

Have topics by theme rather than for a specific tool ie share knowledge of all available tools

Action items

  • Gemenet, Dorcus (CIP) finalize CIP participants and send out invites

  • Liz finalize external-to-CIP participants and send to Dorcus for formal invites for visas

  • Gemenet, Dorcus (CIP) estimate local costs

  • Gemenet, Dorcus (CIP) find best dates/locations for field trial

  • Gemenet, Dorcus (CIP) to consider sharing meeting by webex/skype with wider audience

  • Liz to get survey from crops on technologies and tools being used and what they need from the meeting and beyond

  • Marcelo Mollinarito coordinate agenda with other key speakers. Need to include needs of crop, overview of available tool, deep dive into some key tools

