2021-06-24 Meeting notes
2021-06-24 Meeting notes
@Evan Rees @Yaw Nti-Addae @Dave Matthews @Moira Sheehan @Sebastian Raubach @guilhem.sempere @Elizabeth Jones @Former user (Deleted)
Systems to compare
1st round
2nd round
GDR (if they respond)
Discussed benchmarking comparisons
Systems that don’t support VCF
need alternate format for benchmarking
Suggest two tables
Systems that ignore metadata in VCF vs those that don’t
Only work with genotyping data itself hapmap format
Start with lettuce chromosome 1
if it works well across all systems, try other chromosomes
16 GB
Import time should include all processes pre- and post- import
Action items
Generate Lettuce chromosome 1 hapmap and flapjack files (also whole genome as hapmap and flapjack) @guilhem.sempere
Reps will import Lettuce hapmap chromosome 1 (all)
Define Lettuce chromosome 1 regions for benchmarking comparison @guilhem.sempere
@Dave Matthews provide list of markers for extract. Done: cbsugobiizvm19:/share_data/test_data/lettuce/markerlists.zip
@Yaw Nti-Addae Look for tetraploid indel genome
@Evan Rees send meeting invite
Next meeting
July 13th, 12:00pm UTC
, multiple selections available,