2020-07-28 Retrospective

2020-07-28 Retrospective


Jul 28, 2020




@KevinPalis @Joshua Lamos-Sweeney @Roy Petrie @Angel Manica Raquel @Vishnu Govindaraj 



Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

  • Josh: Keeping Jira tasks up to date

  • Kevin: Engaging the EBS team more, particularly the SG team and the requirements analysts

  • Roy: Use proper OS’s (ex. 18.04 for docker deployments)

  • Angel: Write and send out meeting notes

  • Josh: Overcommitting on sprint

  • Roy: Waiting until sprint end to update tasks

  • Josh: Short collaboration and fixes

  • Kevin: Comprehensive product increment demonstrations

  • Roy: Documentation for deployments and architecture

Action items

@Roy Petrie - check with the team mid-sprint if tasks are up to date
@KevinPalis - set meetings with SG and RM team to collaborate with GOBii team