2020-05-26 Retrospective

2020-05-26 Retrospective


May 26, 2020




@KevinPalis @Roy Petrie @Luke Cook @Deb Weigand @Vishnu Govindaraj @Angel Manica Raquel 


This is the first GOBii-EBS sprint and is a transitional sprint - ie. smaller sprint size to align the next sprints to EBS' monthly sprints. However, we have made changes in the old process to align more with the Scrum methodology, ex: we just did a live demo of the things we worked on this sprint during our sprint review meeting.

For the retrospective, we are now not mandating everyone to have something to put into all these columns below. Instead, we are channeling our inner Plato:

“Speak because you have something to say, not because you have to say something.”

(Modified quote to be SFW)


Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

  • Deb: Pay attention to everyone’s updates

  • Kevin: Have a separate sprint standup meeting that is a proper sprint standup (option to be a Slack channel just answering these questions: what did you do yesterday, what do you plan on doing today, and what are your blockers)

  • Roy: Prioritize more development work (Ansible, swarm, etc) and less of deployment work

  • Deb: Stop missing daily check-ins without notification

  • Luke: Stop adding functionality to modules/software that weren’t originally designed to do such functions. Try to maintain the original idea of the software and avoid bloatwares.

  • Roy: Stop spending too much time on standalone GDM deployments

  • Deb: Demos during sprint review

  • Kevin: Following Scrum guidelines

  • Angel: Not having everyone voting on people’s task’s story points - just the people involved in the task. Discussions are only started if there are complaints on the set story point.

Action items

@KevinPalis to setup the slack channel for standup and announce to the team how we’re shifting to a virtual chat standup meeting (starting on Jun 1, 2020 )
@Roy Petrie to check with Yaw on Slack’s license and @KevinPalis will check with Tom if we’re transferring Slack ownership to EBS