Extract Markers
Extract Markers
- Upon selection of By Markers tab, the user is presented with filters and other selection criteria, with the submit button set to red
- Dataset Type is required
- Platform is required - multiple Platforms may be selected
Included Markers:
- File, List, or Marker Groups must be selected
- When selecting the File radio button, <Choose File> and <Upload> to add the file to the Extraction Criteria
- When selecting the List radio button, enter a list of items, one per line (200 maximum), and <Add to Extract>
- When selecting the Marker Group radio button, a list of marker groups will appear, click in the checkbox to select one or more marker groups
Select Format:
- By checking one of the radio buttons Hapmap, Flapjack, or Metdata as the genotype matrix output format
- From the drop down menu, select 'No Mapset' or one map name
When all required selections are made, the the Submit button will be green
Upon Submission of an Extract:
- A pop-up appears with status of the submission - either successful or an informative error message
- The pop-up can be closed by clicking the 'x' in its upper right corner
- The Extraction Criteria pane will be cleared
- The Submit button is back to red
- The user will not be able to submit a new extraction job unless and until, required criteria have been selected
- When extraction is complete, the user will receive an email notification from GOBii indicating whether the extract was a 'SUCCESS' or 'FAIL'
, multiple selections available,
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