2020-03-19 GOBii Meetings

2020-03-19 GOBii Meetings


  1. Joining the GOBii and EBS portfolios

1A) EBS/GOBii leadership team to agree on and document EBS-GOBii portfolios, GOBii team transition plan, schedules and priorities through Oct. 2020;

1B) EBS/GOBii leadership team to provide concerted transition plan to the rest of the Cornell team and everyone involved has clarity and sign-off on roles, priorities, schedules, and transition plan through Oct. 2020

2. Update and discuss the access plan to the analytical sampling domain (request manager, sample manager, GOBii etc.) by Breeding Insights, Breedbase, BrAPI etc., broader users

2A) EBS team to overview the design and development of request manager, sample manager, automated GOBii data loading

2B) EBS team to exchange with Breeding Insights, Breedbase, BrAPI project leads on access plan for their community to access and adopt request manager, sample manager, GOBii












Thursday March 19





11:00-1 pm

Joining the GOBii and EBS portfolios-Objective 1A)

  • Run and maintain for GOBii 2.2

  • Next priorities after the Request –> Sample Manager -> Automated data loading into the EBS GOBii database



Tom, Liz

1:00-2:00 pm





2:00-3:15 pm

Joining the GOBii and EBS portfolios-Objective 1B)

  • Join GOBii-EBS portfolios and team transition plan through Oct 2020 from Tom and Liz

  • Everyone involved to clarify and sign-off their roles, priorities, schedules individually and commit to GOBii-EBS portfolios and transition plan as a whole


Tom, Liz

Kelly, GOBii team, Kate, Cesar, Diego

3:15-3:40 pm

Wrap up-Objectives 1A and 1B

Path forward


Kelly, Liz, Tom

All GOBii team, Kate, Cesar, Diego

3:40-4:00 pm





4:00-5:05 pm

Access by Breeding Insights and Breedbase to the EBS Request –> Sample Manager -> Automated data loading into the EBS GOBii database capabilities-Objective 2

30 min Overview and Demo of the current state and plan

  • 5-7 min Overview EBS analytical sampling architecture-Tom

  • 5-7 min Demo/Overview EBS Request Manager and Sample Manager status-Star & Kate

  • 5-7 min Overview automated data loading design-Kevin & Cesar

  • 5-7 min Demo/Overview job status and automated data loading collaboration work with PFR-Yaw & Deb

  • 5-7 min GOBii API definition and progress in sampling tracking-Vishnu

20 min Broader community’s access needs and access pan to EBS/GOBii

  • 5-7 min BrAPI progress in sample tracking and genotyping and BrAPI community access needs to EBS/GOBii-Pete

  • 5-7 min-Current state of sample tracking in Breedbase and Breedbase users' access needs to EBS/GOBii

  • 5-7 min-Breeding Insights users' access needs to EBS/GOBii

15 min Access plan to EBS/GOBii wrap up and path forward



Tom, Star

Kelly, Kevin, Moira, Lukas, Pete, Liz, Vishnu, Deb, Yaw, Kate, Cesar, Diego