

A contact is a person who can be assigned different roles according to their system access. For example, curators can submit and extract all projects and update CV terms.

Field Descriptions

  • Last name: Mandatory field for the last name of the contact.
  • First name: Mandatory field for the first name of the contact.
  • User name: Name used to login to the system. The user name must be unique for a contact within the GDM Crop Database.
  • Email: Mandatory field for email address for the contact. The email address must be unique for a contact within the GDM Crop Database. For example, two contacts, or names, cannot exist with the same email address.
  • Organization: Optionally select an organization from the drop-down menu. Organizations are added in Organizations.
  • Roles: This describes the level of read/write access a contact has. For example, PI, administrator, curator, or read only. If multiple roles are selected, then the contact has the access described in each role.

Add a New Contact

  1. From the menu bar, select Define | Contacts. A list of existing contacts display on the left-hand side of the form. Export exports a text file of the contacts listed.
  2. Using the drop-down menu on the left side of the form, select the type of contact you want to add. Check the list to ensure your contact is not already added.
  3. For your new contact, enter the last name in the Last Name field, enter the first name in the First Name field, enter the username in the User Name field, and enter the email address in the Email field. These are all required fields. 
  4. Select an organization from the Organization drop-down menu. Organizations are added in Define Organizations.
  5. Check any allowed Roles for this contact. 
  6. Click Add New. If the request is successful, a confirmation message displays and the name of the new reference displays on the left-hand side of the form.

Update an Existing Contact

  1. From the menu bar, select Define | Contacts. A list of existing contacts display on the left-hand side of the form.
  2. Using the drop-down menu on the left side of the form, select the type of contact you want to edit.
  3. Select the contact you want to update. Details relating to the contact display on the right-hand side of the form.
  4. Edit any applicable fields. Even if you change the contact name or email, any associated entities remain associated.
  5. Click Update. A confirmation message displays with successful update.