

Organization is a company or institute. Organization may be associated with a contact in the Define Contacts page. An organization can also describe a vendor and be associated with a protocol to create a vendor-protocol in the Define Protocols page. 

Field Descriptions

  • Organization Name: Mandatory field for the name of the organization.
  • Address: Optional free text field to add the organization address.
  • Website: Optional free text field to add the organization website.

Add a New Organization 

  1. From the menu bar, select Define | Organization. A list of existing organizations display on the left-hand side of the form. Export exports a text file of the organizations listed.
  2. In the right-hand side of the form, enter the organization name in the Organization Name field. This must be a unique name within the GOBii-GDM instance. 
  3. Enter an address in the Address field - an optional field.
  4. Enter a website in the Website field - an optional field.
  5. Click Add New. If the request is successful, a confirmation message displays and the name of the new organization displays on the left-hand side of the form.

Update an Existing Organization

  1. From the menu bar, select Define | Organization. A list of existing organizations display on the left-hand side of the form.
  2. Select the organization you want to update. Details relating to the organization display on the right-hand side of the form.
  3. Update the information in the applicable fields. Even if you change the organization name, any associated entities remain associated.
  4. Click Update. A confirmation message displays with successful update.