Whomever SCHEDULED THE MEETING OR CALLED IT TO ORDER Shall, in their best judgement, declare, at the start of the meeting:
Facilitator - makes sure the meeting is going, does a bit of all the other jobs
Decision Writer - Notes all decisions made during the meeting and tags responsible people in a public place of record (Confluence)
Once Facilitator and Decision Writer have been chosen, each meeting member will volunteer for roles, first come first serve, with Facilitator reserving the right to request different roles.
Other Roles:
Timekeeper - Makes sure there’s enough time for all points addressed
Notetaker - Notes all ideas that come up, avenues of research, and other non-decision-critical items
Voice of Customer - asks what an end user would want
Communicator - Makes sure everyone’s voice is heard
Enforcer - Watches for violations of these rules and slack in other role keeper’s roles