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Deployment Status | Deployed in QA and APP test Will deploy to IRRI tomorrow hotfix Pedver limit data loading size limit
Waiting to hear from CIMMYT hotfix Pedver limit data loading size limit
ICRISAT - reached out to Prasad, target next week Deployment training for Siva and Chatanya - target 3 week of May
Next hotfix | Updating BrAPI 2.0 on Pedver, Flapjack bites and GDM Significant changes in web services and so will need extensive testing Finish development in June and plan release in July
Pedver Satus | |
Bert Status | Extract validation and comparison needs to get done Script in Bert file to run on host machine (low priority) Maintain versions of Bert for both Standalone and EBS
Web loaderUI Status | |
Atlassian migration status | |
Changes to new sprint planning
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Project priority changes | |
Priorities for coming sprint | Kevin will share priorities for EBS with developers Deployment - Pedver, Hotfixes and GDM to ICRISAT Web loader APIs BrAPI - genotyping and project create calls Timescope DNArun and DNAsamples delete modules Pedver VCF improvements and handling of indels