Release 1.4
Release 1.4
Release date -
GDM Loader download - Rel1.4_LoaderUI
New Features
Extract by Datasets Enhancement
- A grid with columns which is sortable in asc or desc order - sorting can be done for any and all headers
- dataset name, date loaded (initial sort is desc - most recent first), PI, Project, Experiment
- The grid initially displays all extract ready datasets in the system
- Filters are be used in a hierarchical manner to filter information in the grid: PI > Project > Experiment
- Status defaults to Matrix Loaded, which will display only datasets with data that has been previously loaded.
- Status can be changed to "All" to display all datasets with or w/o data
- Details box: on click of a dataset, detailed information of the dataset will be displayed
- fields include: PI,Curator - the user that loaded the dataset/submitted the job, date loaded, Project, Total of markers in the dataset, Total of dnarun in the dataset, Experiment, Platform, Protocol, Calling Analysis, List of applied analyses
- A dataset can be added to the extraction criteria by checking a box (confirm w/Phil) and clicking an add button
- Multiple datasets can be checked and added to the extraction criteria
- Upon Submission of an extract, behavior is the same as rel 1.3
- A grid with columns which is sortable in asc or desc order - sorting can be done for any and all headers
Marker Group summary File
Upon extracting by marker groups, user shall have a marker group summary file listing the following:
- Marker_group_name
- Germplasm_group
- Marker_name
- Platform
- Fav_alleles
- Added the following new crops to ICRISAT's GDM instances (test and production)
- Pigeon Pea
- Pearl Millet
- Groundnut
- Fingermillet
- Seed data for contacts are PI and Curator roles
- All other seed data is the same as all other ICRISAT crops.
- Added the following new crops to ICRISAT's GDM instances (test and production)
Webservice file transfer
- Replaced SCP file transfer with webservice
- File size checked before transferring file from local machine.
- For files more than set limit, the user is asked to upload the file to the server directly.
- File size limit is configurable by sysadmin, 10mb default
Bug Fixes
- GSD-280 Updating SSR data is wrong
- GSD-341 'position.file' file exists on extracts
- GSD-344 Extractor: marker list file name does not reflect correct date/timestamp after first extract
- GSD-364 "dev" showing instead of crop name in 1.2 GOBII Data Importer
- GSD-388 Not able to visualize the Marker Information table in the Marker Wizard (mainly in WHEAT)
- GSD-391 If VCF alt field is '.' Strange error occurs.
- GSD-393 Extractor: Multiple dataset information in SUCCESS emails rather than for single dataset
- GSD-399 Getting extra column of text when extracting loaded .vcf files in hapmap format
- GSD-415 Large chunks of missing data and errors in much of the data when exporting by sample to FJ from a large dataset
- GSD-424 Flapjack not displaying extract error
- GSD-435 LoaderUI: several datasets (under different Exp/platforms) loaded via Dataset Wizard, using one file to load the markers, samples, and matrix, does not associate the dataset(s) to the correct platform
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