Requirements: New features
- Updated 'Genotype Calls' API extract genotypes by search query to include 'Dna sample names', 'Dna sample UUIDs' and 'Germplasm names' and their respective Ids to Genotypes Extract search query. - Updated 'Genotypes Calls' API to extract by Marker names alone. - Added 'Get CallSets' for genotypes extract query(Dnarun metadata). - Added 'Get Variants' for genotypes extract query(Marker metadata). - Added Search Samples API. - Added Search CallSets API. - Added Search Variants API. - Added sepUnphased and unknownString fields to Calls and fileFormat object.
- Default page size for List Genotypes API has been increased from 1000 to 100000. - Updated the reference documentation(
Bug fixes
- Fixed project id to map to sample group id instead of observation unit id in samples object. - Temporary file buffers are cleaned automatically. - Fixed bug in List Genotypes by extract query API when page size is equal to dnarun size or its multiples.