This is Develop a web app to extract data from GDM, pre-process preprocess it, and generate a Flapjack project file that will be used in a Flapjack application for pedigree verification.0. Provide BrAPI links for GDM (UI has a dropdown to choose a Study)
1. Get data from GDM
2. Provide a preview of that data + infor on Study
need 2 tasks for Vishnu -
- include a property respnse for dnarun whcih should have all the germplasm and dnasample metadata and their properties associated with the list of dnaruns provided
- include a property respnse field for variants which should have all the marker metadata and their properties
3. Filter data
4. Consensus
5. Preview
6. Split Data
7. Export FJ Project file
User Story
As a GDM user, I want to be able to split datasets into populations based on selected criteria
- User will be presented with a list of sample meta column names they can use for splitting
- There will be a selection box where the user can select one or more options
- There is a set list in the leftmost list box
- The user can select one or more items in the leftmost list and push to the rightmost list
- Once items have been moved to the rightmost list the user can select and move an item back to the leftmost list
- The list selected and in the rightmost list box can be reordered
- The order of the list will be used to split the data
- The list contains the following options for splitting:
- dnasample_sample_group
- dnasample_sample_group_cycle
- germplasm_par1
- germpalsm_par2
- germplasm_pedigree
- germplasm_type
Success metrics
Goal | Metric |
web page that connects to GDM through BrAPI | |
Allow users to extract studies (experiment + dataset) |
Filter dataset by call rates |
perform consensus calling |
split dataset into populations based on a selected criteria |
generate and download Flapjack project file |
columns | key,summary,type,assignee,priority,status,issuelinks |
maximumIssues | 20 |
jqlQuery | "Epic Link" = GDM-461 |
serverId | 3ed8d091-172c-31ee-8b1a-f688a0e72656 |
User interaction and design
Mockup: https://www.justinmind.com/usernote/prototypes/21965828/41833171/42838863/index.html#/screens/d12245cc-1680-458d-89dd-4f0d7fb22724
Open Questions
Question | Answer | Date Answered |
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