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Use the Marker Wizard to load markers, associated metadata (for example, sequence: sequence, primers, probes, assay type), and marker mapsets. When you are loading marker metadata, you do not need to have a project defined first; you can preload your markers and metadata ahead of any project. Then, when you create your project, you only need to load the marker names.


  1. Metadata for the markers are loaded to the first two tables. The first table is called 'Marker Information' and contains key fields, but only name (Marker name) is required. The Property table can be used to store extra property fields. The user can add their own property fields in Define|Controlled Vocabulary.  Drag and drop your marker name from Data file fields to name in the Marker Information table. Drag and drop your other input file fields to the relevant fields in the marker tables. 
  2. Drag and drop fields to the third table, DS Marker Information ONLY if your file contains genotyping data and the markers will be associated with the dataset (DS). 
  3. You can parse field entries using standard separators. For example: a field entry [A/G] can be parsed out into ref using a start position of [ and end position of /, and alt using a start position of / and an end position of ]. You can also concatenate two fields together by dragging and dropping two fields from Data file fields into the Header field.

  4. Click Next to map data to any mapset fields.
  5. Click Finish to load the file to the database.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation that says SUCCESS or FAIL - it depends if the data that you are trying to upload have integrity; a fail message means data has failed validation.

Loading Markers to a Mapset
