- Experiment Name: Mandatory field for the name of the experiment. The experiment name must be unique within the project.
- Vendor-Protocol: The combination of the vendor and protocol used to generate the genotyping data. Define vendor-protocols in Define | Protocols. For additional information, refer to Protocols.
- Manifest: A standard group of markers run as a unit. For example, an Illumina chip. Define a manifest in Define | Manifest. Refer to Manifests for additional information.
- Data file: The file path for the relevant manifest file.
- From the menu bar, select Create | Experiments. A list of existing experiments display on the left hand side of the Experiments page. Export exports a text file of the experiments listed.
- Using the drop-down menu on the left hand side of the page, select a project in which to add your experiment. Any existing experiments added to the project display. Alternately, if you previously selected a project in the Create | Projects page, your experiments are already filtered. Refer to ProjectsProject for additional information.
- Enter an experiment name unique to the project in the Experiment Name field.
- Select a vendor-protocol from the Vendor-protocol drop-down menu. Define vendor-protocols in Define | Protocols. For additional information, refer to Protocols.
- If your experiment has a manifest file associated with it, select it from the Manifest drop-down menu. Define the manifest in Define | Manifest. For additional information, refer to Manifests.
- Enter the file path for the applicable manifest in Data file field.
- Click Add New. The new experiment name displays on the left hand side of the page.
- Alternately, you can create a new experiment by editing an existing experiment, then clicking Add New, as long you assign a new experiment name. Or, click Clear Fields to clear the fields in an existing experiment, edit the applicable fields, then click Add New. Clicking Clear Fields does not delete an existing experiment entry. When you edit the empty fields, then click Add New, a new experiment generates.
- After you create an experiment, you can define the dataset name that will correspond to the genotyping data matrix that will be loaded, as well as define the analysis/analyses that were applied to create the genotyping dataset. You can start from the Experiments page by selecting the experiment on the left hand side of the page (you can first filter by Projects if there are many Experiments to scroll through), then clicking Add Dataset. Taking this route to the Dataset page results in your experiment being pre-selected.
- Alternately, select Create | Dataset from menu bar, then select the relevant experiment from the drop-down menu. Refer to Datasets for additional information.
After creating an experiment, upload markers and their associated metadata to the project using the Marker Wizard. You can also add markers to the experiment at a later time using the Marker Wizard accessed directly from the menu bar.